Our services

Get maximum value from your London property with our comprehensive portfolio of services that extend from property management to tenant acquisition and onboarding, furnishing solutions, rent collection and more. Relax and enjoy the perks of being a London landlord without any hassle.

Property management for London landlords

As an Indian landlord in London, you can earn attractive rental incomes with our comprehensive property management service.

End-to-end tenant management

With Benham & Reeves, you can expect excellent property ownership in London with our complete end-to-end management services.

Vacant property management

With our expert guidance and support, you can acquire high-quality tenants quickly and make your property earn for you 24/7.

Property furnishing services

We can arrange stylish and contemporary furnishing solutions to transform your buy-to-let property into a high-yield rental investment.

Property refurbishment services

Let us refresh, revitalise and reimagine your rental home with our affordable and effective refurbishment services.

Property renovation services

Our renovation services extend from design to execution and help unlock the full potential of your London property.

Property leasing services

We combine our negotiation and legal expertise to find you the perfect tenant and ensure a smooth leasing process.

Tax return services

Our robust finance team takes away the stress of filing property taxes with accurate and efficient tax preparation expertise.

Landlords insurance services

We help acquire comprehensive landlord insurance at competitive pricing tailored to cover your property, thus safeguarding your investment.